Valdemar of Denmark and George of Greece: A Weird Uncle and Nephew Relationship

         Valdemar of Denmark was the youngest son of the "Grandfather of Europe", Christian IX. His elder siblings became the King of Denmark, the King of Greece, the Queen of the United Kingdom, the Empress of Russia and the Queen of Hanover. Valdemar instead had a career as a naval officer. 

Valdemar of Denmark 
         Valdemar, a Lutheran, married Marie d'Orleans, a French, Catholic princess. Historians say this marriage was a love match, which given their divergent backgrounds, may be correct. The couple agreed that they would raise their three sons as Lutherans and their sole daughter as a Catholic. Before his marriage in 1885, Valdemar had lived with his nephew, George of Greece, in his palace Bernstorff. Young George had been sent by his father, the King of Greece, to receive naval training, and George felt abandoned by his father. However, he developed a deep and loving relationship with Valdemar. Perhaps a bit too deep and loving. 
George of Greece 
        After George married his own French, Catholic princess, Marie Bonaparte, George would still return to his uncle's palace for visits. At the end of the visit, George would be weeping while Valdemar would grow ill. For their own credit, both French Maries respected the relationship between uncle and nephew. Curiously, Marie Bonaparte engaged in a rather intimate relationship with Valdemar as well, with George watching as a bystander. This strange menage a trois between uncle, nephew and wife continued for sometime until Marie Bonaparte found other lovers who were more exciting, including Valdemar's own son. Due to Marie Bonaparte's desire for other men, as well as enrichment outside of the marriage (she was a follower of Sigmund Freud), the marriage between George and Marie was always volatile. 
Marie d'Orleans
       George of Greece died at the age of eighty eight. He requested that he was buried with his wedding ring, a lock of hair from Valdemar, a photo of Valdemar, and earth from Valdemar's palace. 
Marie Bonaparte 
       Of course, relationships in Victorian times had intimacies that would seem very odd to modern readers. Were Valdemar and George more than just nephew and uncle? Perhaps. Were they involved in a strong and loving relationship? Undoubtedly. Did it involve physical intimacy? We can never be sure. 

Notable Relations

      One of Valdemar's grandchildren, Anne Marie, became Queen of Romania. George was also the paternal uncle of Prince Philip of Edinburgh. 


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